Quorum sensing

Quorum sensing is a mechanism that bacteria use to communicate with each other. They send out molecules that function as words. Then, other bacteria take up these words and respond appropriately. A quorum-sensing response can be anything from virulence, light production, or biofilm formation.

Quorum sensing helps bacteria understand how many they are. By Noémie Matthey

How bacteria help feed the world by fixing nitrogen

Like all organisms, plants need nitrogen to grow and produce crops. But since they cannot directly use nitrogen from the atmosphere, they rely on bacteria to fix the nitrogen for them. In exchange, plants provide them with sugars, energy and protection from their surroundings. Read on to learn more about the nitrogen-fixing superpower of bacteria and why it is crucial for our global food production.

Quorum sensing brings bacteria together and triggers them to make uniform decisions.

Quorum sensing – or how bacteria talk to each other

Bacteria also don’t like being lonely and need to know they are not alone. And often they need to talk to other bacteria and interact with them. To do so, they use a mechanism called quorum sensing. Read on to find out more about this fascinating mechanism.

Bacteria can form multicellular organisms. They can form bacterial filaments, multicellular aggregates, hyphae networks or magnetotactic multicellular prokaryotes.

Together we are strong – bacteria form multicellular organisms

When thinking of bacteria, you might have the picture of a single cell in your mind. But interestingly, some bacteria come as multicellular organisms with advanced functions. Here, we will learn what multicellular bacteria are and why bacteria form multicellular organisms. We will then look at some colourful examples of multicellular bacteria.

Bacteria have many superpowers

The incredible superpowers of bacteria: unveiling nature’s tiny heroes

Microbes and bacteria touch every aspect of our lives. They have so many superpowers that impact the environment, food production, bioremediation and even the climate. Here, we will look at 20 of the most fascinating bacterial superpowers and tell you where you might encounter them throughout your day. But don’t forget, there are plenty more.

Bacteria like Desulfovibrio vulgaris produce scissors that cut the bacteria free from their biofilms.

Bacteria breaking free from home

To protect themselves from the environment, bacteria build shielding biofilms houses. But once such a house gets old, bacteria need to break out it. For that, bacteria produce special scissors that can break biofilms and set free the bacteria.

The bacterial cycle of biofilm formation

Bacteria building houses

Bacteria can be major problems for human health. One of the reasons for that is because they have the ability to hide in their own houses. Such a house is called a bacterial biofilm which protect bacteria from harsh environments, toxic chemicals and to form a community within the biofilm.

Invasive bacteria use attachment tools like pili and adhesins to adhere to cells

How bacteria get (too) attached

Pathogenic bacteria developed different mechanisms to attach to human host cells. However, our immune system learned to fight back, so that a constant battle between bacteria and host is happening in our bodies.

Quorum sensing is a mechanism that bacteria use to communicate with each other. They send out molecules that function as words. Then, other bacteria take up these words and respond appropriately. A quorum-sensing response can be anything from virulence, light production, or biofilm formation.

Quorum sensing helps bacteria understand how many they are. By Noémie Matthey

Learn more about the fascinating world of bacteria