Bacteria from the Deinococcus genus

DeinococcusDeinococcus bacteria are some of the strongest bacteria known to us. They have extra sturdy cell membranes and cell machineries to keep them alive even in extreme conditions. For example, Deinococcus radiodurans can live where it is dry, cold, airless or even in places with harmful radiation. To survive these extreme conditions or radiation attacks, this bacterium has special proteins to repair the damaged cell, its DNA and membrane quickly and efficiently. This bacterial superpower makes Deinococcus radiodurans the toughest known bacterium to us.

Explore Deinococcus bacteria

transciption in bacteria

Bacteria destroy proteins to understand the environment

For a bacterium to understand what is going on in the environment, it needs some sophisticated mechanisms. One of these includes destroying proteins. Here, we will look at why bacteria destroy proteins and how it helps them to survive.

Bacteria have many superpowers

The incredible superpowers of bacteria: unveiling nature’s tiny heroes

Microbes and bacteria touch every aspect of our lives. They have so many superpowers that impact the environment, food production, bioremediation and even the climate. Here, we will look at 20 of the most fascinating bacterial superpowers and tell you where you might encounter them throughout your day. But don’t forget, there are plenty more.

Learn more about the fascinating world of bacteria