Explore the bacterial world with vivid stories and players

Our world as well as the bacterial world are full of vibrant colours. These colours exist thanks to biopigments; molecules able to capture light and reflect the corresponding colour. Many organisms, as well as bacteria, learned to use biopigments to harvest energy from sunlight, fight foes and adapt to new and challenging environments. Read on to learn what makes the bacterial world so colourful and why biopigments are the Earth’s life savers.
The bacterial world is teeming with superheroes that hold the key to unravelling nature's mysteries. Some bacteria have build remarkable partnerships with plants which not only help us better understand plants but also revolutionize agriculture and biotechnology. Here, we delve into the fascinating relationship between the bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens and plants and see how it allowed us to uncover the green world of plants.
Microbes are everywhere. And some have superpowers that allow them to grow in extremely challenging and harsh environments. Especially at the dark and cold bottom of the sea, extremophiles flourish since they interact with other microbes and eat pollutants and contaminants. Interestingly, their microbial activities can also impact our global climate.
Bacteria in your gut microbiome help you digest your food, strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy. For this, your gut bacteria keep you free from gut pathogenic bacteria by fighting them with different weapons. Here, we explore some ways gut bacteria defend pathogens and how you can help them protect you.

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  • Does a vinegar wash prevent mold on your strawberries?
    The activity below was contributed by Dr. Kelsey Wood during our podcast interview. Ever reached for a juicy strawberry only to discover a fuzzy, squishy surprise? Mold is a natural part of our world, and it plays a vital role in breaking down organic matter like fruits and vegetables. But when it shows up on […]
  • Downy Mildew Grocery Store Hunt
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  • Downy Mildew: A Plant Pathogen Targeting Your Lettuce
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  • Plant Pathogen Lettuce Downy Mildew: Dr. Kelsey Wood
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