Bacteria from the Enterococcus genus

Explore Enterococcus bacteria

How bacteria in your gut microbiome defend pathogens

Bacteria in your gut microbiome help you digest your food, strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy. For this, your gut bacteria keep you free from gut pathogenic bacteria by fighting them with different weapons. Here, we explore some ways gut bacteria defend pathogens and how you can help them protect you.

Bacteria use the type 6 secretion system (T6SS) to kill other bacteria with a crossbow and arrow.

A bacterial nanoweapon called the type 6 secretion system

Bacterial killing is happening everywhere where bacteria fight for space and nutrients. Some bacteria have highly efficient weapons to kill other microbes. These killer bacteria can survive in the rarest and driest environmental niches. Just by killing other bacteria.
What kind of fantastic nanoweapon is that?

Learn more about the fascinating world of bacteria