
How bacteria help feed the world by fixing nitrogen

Like all organisms, plants need nitrogen to grow and produce crops. But since they cannot directly use nitrogen from the atmosphere, they rely on bacteria to fix the nitrogen for them. In exchange, plants provide them with sugars, energy and protection from their surroundings. Read on to learn more about the nitrogen-fixing superpower of bacteria and why it is crucial for our global food production.

How bacteria create the smells in our world

Bacteria create various smells in our world, from pleasant aromas like freshly baked bread to the less appealing ones like body odour. As bacteria produce volatile organic compounds as part of their metabolism, these contribute to the scents we encounter in our environment, food and even on our bodies. Learn about smelly examples such as the earthy scent of geosmin produced by soil bacteria, the unique aromas in fermented foods and the role of skin bacteria in creating our body odour and smelly feet.

Microbial fermentation impacts our food, industry and health

Microbial fermentation is a metabolic process that impacts our food, health and many industries. Microbes degrade substrates and convert them into fermentation products, with different species producing unique products. This process is essential in food preservation, creating diverse and complex flavours in fermented foods. Additionally, the microbes involved in fermentation can have health benefits when consumed. Microbial fermentation also plays a significant role in industrial production.

Creating the colours of the rainbow: Bacteria and the vibrant world of pigments

Our world as well as the bacterial world are full of vibrant colours. These colours exist thanks to biopigments; molecules able to capture light and reflect the corresponding colour. Many organisms, as well as bacteria, learned to use biopigments to harvest energy from sunlight, fight foes and adapt to new and challenging environments. Read on to learn what makes the bacterial world so colourful and why biopigments are the Earth’s life savers.

Even at the dark and cold bottom of the sea, microbes flourish

Microbes are everywhere. And some have superpowers that allow them to grow in extremely challenging and harsh environments. Especially at the dark and cold bottom of the sea, extremophiles flourish since they interact with other microbes and eat pollutants and contaminants. Interestingly, their microbial activities can also impact our global climate.

How bacteria gain energy from cellular respiration to fuel life

To gain energy, all organisms – including bacteria – need to break molecules apart to get their electrons. In bacteria, this process is called bacterial respiration. Here, we will look at where this energy is stored, what bacteria do with both the electrons and energy and how we use bacterial respiration for our own advantages.

Thiovulum majus bacteria

Floating veils for large bacteria to attach to and fetch nutrients

Thiovulum majus is a large bacterium that needs a lot of nutrients and energy. To find the perfect location in shallow water, it builds white net-like veils. By attaching to these veils and fast rotation, the bacteria bring in freshwater with lots of new nutrients to keep the community alive.

What’s in your yogurt?

Yogurt is a well-loved fermented dairy with lots of health benefits. It not only provides us with valuable proteins and immune-stimulating molecules, but can also carry probiotic organisms. Here, we will look at the advantages of adding yogurt to your diet plan and what bacteria have to do with producing this creamy white dream.

Quorum sensing brings bacteria together and triggers them to make uniform decisions.

Quorum sensing – or how bacteria talk to each other

Bacteria also don’t like being lonely and need to know they are not alone. And often they need to talk to other bacteria and interact with them. To do so, they use a mechanism called quorum sensing. Read on to find out more about this fascinating mechanism.

transciption in bacteria

Bacteria destroy proteins to understand the environment

For a bacterium to understand what is going on in the environment, it needs some sophisticated mechanisms. One of these includes destroying proteins. Here, we will look at why bacteria destroy proteins and how it helps them to survive.

Bacteria produce green bio-plastics

Producing plastics requires a lot of energy, which is a massive burden for the environment. Fortunately, bacteria already know how to make sustainable versions of plastics which we can use in our everyday life. Learn why bacteria produce natural plastics and why these molecules can help us save this planet.

Bacteria can form multicellular organisms. They can form bacterial filaments, multicellular aggregates, hyphae networks or magnetotactic multicellular prokaryotes.

Together we are strong – bacteria form multicellular organisms

When thinking of bacteria, you might have the picture of a single cell in your mind. But interestingly, some bacteria come as multicellular organisms with advanced functions. Here, we will learn what multicellular bacteria are and why bacteria form multicellular organisms. We will then look at some colourful examples of multicellular bacteria.

Bacteria use tunnels, ferries and bridges to send lipids to the outer membrane to grow them.

How do bacteria grow their membranes?

When a bacterial cell grows, it needs to increase both the cell content and the cell envelope. To grow their outer membranes, bacteria transport lipids with ferries, bridges and tunnels from one side to the other. These transport means allow the whole bacterium to expand and thrive.

Cocoa fermentation involves many different bacteria and fungi

Bacteria are responsible for the delicious chocolate taste

The bacteria and fungi living on cocoa beans degrade the sugars in the fruit. With this fermentation, the so-called cocobiota produces metabolites that give chocolate its delicious taste. Read about the microbes that are part of the cocobiota and why chocolate tastes the way it does.