Bacterial multicellularity

Some bacteria stick together and live as multicellular organisms. These bacterial multicellular organisms have improved functions and many new abilities that their unicellular brothers do not have. Read about some of the fascinating ways of bacterial multicellularity in these articles.

How bacteria help feed the world by fixing nitrogen

Like all organisms, plants need nitrogen to grow and produce crops. But since they cannot directly use nitrogen from the atmosphere, they rely on bacteria to fix the nitrogen for them. In exchange, plants provide them with sugars, energy and protection from their surroundings. Read on to learn more about the nitrogen-fixing superpower of bacteria and why it is crucial for our global food production.

Bacteria use antibiotics to kill their foes and protect others

We use antibiotics to kill bacteria and fungi. Yet, antibiotics are produced by these microbes to ensure their own survival in the environment. But not only microbes that produce antibiotics benefit from them, but often even other organisms. Read on to find out how antibiotics can help many players.

Comic of the different shapes of bacteria

Looking fabulous: Why bacteria need to stay in shape too

For a long time, bacteria were classified according to their shapes. With new technologies, we learned that the bacterial shapes help them survive in their environments and face harsh conditions. Spheres, rods, stars and screws: Learn about the different bacterial shapes.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae uses their bacterial pili to attach to human gut cells.

About twitching bacteria and their pili

Some bacteria have special hair-like structures to connect to surfaces or other organisms. These bacterial pili help them move along that surface or pull themselves closer to a prey or host. Read about why bacteria need those pili when they are out hunting or infecting us.

Bacteria can form multicellular organisms. They can form bacterial filaments, multicellular aggregates, hyphae networks or magnetotactic multicellular prokaryotes.

Together we are strong – bacteria form multicellular organisms

When thinking of bacteria, you might have the picture of a single cell in your mind. But interestingly, some bacteria come as multicellular organisms with advanced functions. Here, we will learn what multicellular bacteria are and why bacteria form multicellular organisms. We will then look at some colourful examples of multicellular bacteria.

Springtail are attracted to the geosmin produced by Streptomyces bacteria. They eat the bacteria and transport them to new places.

Bacteria produce geosmin to trick bugs into hitchhiking

Bacteria produce many different molecules with unique tastes and smells. We and animals can react in specific ways to the bacterial molecules, however it is not always clear how these molecules actually help the bacteria. A new study focused on one such molecules and revealed that bacteria produce geosmin to attract small animals to use them to hitchhike.