How Bacterial Research Is Advancing Modern Science
Bacteria and microbes are versatile tools in life science research. Read about a few ways of how bacterial research helps modern science.
We live in challenging times and our planet is suffering more than ever before. Gladly, bacteria and many microbes have amazing superpowers that we could use to tackle some of our global challenges.
Whether it is their ability to produce food and biofuels, degrade toxic waste or plastics; we can use bacterial metabolites in many different applications. And some of them can indeed make us healthier and stronger or our planet cleaner and greener.
Bacteria and microbes are versatile tools in life science research. Read about a few ways of how bacterial research helps modern science.
To feed the growing population on our planet, we need to improve our agriculture for plants to stay healthy and produce crops efficiently. One way to protect plants from diseases is to use biocontrol bacteria that actively kill intruding pathogens. Hence, by increasing our food supply, bacteria can help us save this planet.
Pathogens and dirty particles contaminate our water supply. But helpful microbes can remove harmful bacteria and pollutants and thus clean our drinking water.
Microbes produce nutrients and help promote plant growth to produce more bountiful crops and sustainable agriculture.
We live in an energy crisis in which non-renewable fossil fuels damage our planet. To switch to green biofuels as energy sources, we can rely on bacteria like Zymomonas mobilis, which produces bioethanol. Read on to find out how biofuel-producing bacterial communities can help us make this planet greener and healthier.
We have created a lot of toxin pollution. Now we need microbe’s help to degrade and remove toxic materials from our environment to make our planet greener.
As a solution to our electronic waste problem, yet again bacteria come to the rescue! They can produce nanowires that one day we could use in our electronic devices. Plus, they are green and biodegradable!
Microbes are everywhere, including our favorite foods. Learn how microbes help preserve foods while also adding flavors, textures, and nutrients to our meals.
To fight nasty microorganisms, researchers need to come up with new strategies to develop vaccines. Turns out bacteria are extremely helpful to researchers, since they provide valuable tools.
Learn how researchers use bacteria to find new vaccines.
To overcome the medical problem of how drugs can reach a specific target within the body, researchers try to use new approaches. These are often based on bacteria or their products. Here, we will explore drug transport mechanisms for which we could use bacteria and their amazing superpowers.
Producing plastics requires a lot of energy, which is a massive burden for the environment. Fortunately, bacteria already know how to make sustainable versions of plastics which we can use in our everyday life. Learn why bacteria produce natural plastics and why these molecules can help us save this planet.
Throughout your day, you’re likely using several pieces of plastics. All this plastic waste takes up space in our landfills and overflows into rivers and oceans. Luckily, some bacteria can eat and degrade plastic to help us get rid of all this clutter. Read on to learn how plastic-degrading bacteria may be the key to a greener and healthier planet.
We live in challenging times and our planet is suffering more than ever before. Gladly, bacteria and many microbes have amazing superpowers that we could use to tackle some of our global challenges.
Whether it is their ability to produce food and biofuels, degrade toxic waste or plastics; we can use bacterial metabolites in many different applications. And some of them can indeed make us healthier and stronger or our planet cleaner and greener.