Bacteria from the Thiovulum genus

Bacteria can be super small or super big. Thiovulum bacteria are surely giants in the bacterial world. Thiovulum majus is indeed about ten times bigger than bacteria with a normal size and about fifty times bigger than super-small bacteria.

Thiovulum majus is also a high-speed swimmer thanks to its flagella that grow at one side of the cell. By rotating these flagella super fast, the bacterium pushes itself forward at hyper speed. When it attaches itself to a static surface in water, the rotation creates a water flow that brings in fresh water from the outside with new nutrients. This is how this giant bacterium always finds fresh food.

Thiovulum majus bacteria

Floating veils for large bacteria to attach to and fetch nutrients

Thiovulum majus is a large bacterium that needs a lot of nutrients and energy. To find the perfect location in shallow water, it builds white net-like veils. By attaching to these veils and fast rotation, the bacteria bring in freshwater with lots of new nutrients to keep the community alive.