Bacteria from the Ruminococcus genus

RuminococcusRuminococcus bacteria live in the guts of many animals and humans. Indeed, Ruminococcus gnavus is one of the first bacteria that start growing in the human gut after we are born. Here, these bacteria are used to the dark, airless and overcrowded space full of other microbes.

These friendly gut bacteria are very important to our health. They live close to the walls of the gut where they eat part of the protective slime. This helps the bacteria grow. The more bacteria attach to the gut wall, the more slime the gut produces. Thankfully, the thicker the gut slime becomes, the better it protects from harmful pathogenic bacteria. As a friendly gut bacterium, Ruminococcus gnavus indeed helps the gut to protect itself!

How bacteria in your gut microbiome defend pathogens

Bacteria in your gut microbiome help you digest your food, strengthen your immune system and keep you healthy. For this, your gut bacteria keep you free from gut pathogenic bacteria by fighting them with different weapons. Here, we explore some ways gut bacteria defend pathogens and how you can help them protect you.