bacterial membrane

The bacterial membrane is a super important compartment since it connects and protects the inner of the bacterium from the surrounding environment. The bacterial membrane holds different lipids and proteins with various functions. For example, they can be transporters that import or export molecules. Other proteins are sensors to measure certain conditions in the environment telling the cell exactly what is going on outside.

Multidrug resistant bacteria have many different ways of dealing with antibiotics

About antimicrobial resistance mechanisms

Bacteria developed different antimicrobial resistance mechanisms to get rid of antibiotics. Here, you will learn what bacteria do with antibiotics so that they don’t harm them and what superbugs are.

Regulatory circuit of how bacteria sense environmental signals. Membrane bound anti-sigma factor releases a sigma factor into the cytosol after signal binding which modifies gene expression

How bacteria sense iron in their environment

Bacteria sense iron in the environment via proteins that are transporters and receptors in one. The transporter imports iron, while the receptor tells the bacterium that iron is present on the outside. This activates a whole circuit so that the bacterium produces more transporters to capture as much iron as possible.

Bacteria use the type 6 secretion system (T6SS) to kill other bacteria with a crossbow and arrow.

A bacterial nanoweapon called the type 6 secretion system

Bacterial killing is happening everywhere where bacteria fight for space and nutrients. Some bacteria have highly efficient weapons to kill other microbes. These killer bacteria can survive in the rarest and driest environmental niches. Just by killing other bacteria.
What kind of fantastic nanoweapon is that?

The bacterial membrane is a super important compartment since it connects and protects the inner of the bacterium from the surrounding environment. The bacterial membrane holds different lipids and proteins with various functions. For example, they can be transporters that import or export molecules. Other proteins are sensors to measure certain conditions in the environment telling the cell exactly what is going on outside.

Learn more about the fascinating world of bacteria